Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First in the "8 Little Flowers" series.

 This is the start of a series called "8 Little Flowers".
I'm going with the "start small" idea for learning how to use
acrylics and am posting start to finish images to
show the progress of this painting.

False Sunflower
Acrylic on wrapped canvas
5 x 7
3. I continued to glaze colors until I got the depth of color I wanted, making sure the shadow values were correct. Adding the center detail by dotting in the various values and shapes I then added the last detail darks to finish.
2. I decided to use a blue compliment for the background rather than a green, combining cobalt and ultramarine blues. I started glazing more cad yellow and added a cool yellow to sunlit areas as well as a bit of white added in here and there. Alizirine crimson was glazed on the center and combined with the other colors to suggest the crevice darks.
1. I started on a gallery wrap canvas with ocher and cad yellow.
Looks like I need to fix the center shape.

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