Artist Statement and Bio

Artist Statement

To describe my subject, with pencil and paint,  is my intent as visual artist. I want to share with the viewer, a snapshot in time, of the life around me - such as, a sparkle off a Minnesota lake, the turquoise color of grass, shadows on a flower, or the contented look of a napping pet.

Sketches done on location and photos I've taken are used as my reference materials and I enjoy plein air painting the local landscapes as well. Design , line, shapes, rich color, values and llight are details considered when portraying the images in my representational paintings.

I work primarily with my favorite medium, pastels. The immediate satisfaction of using the sticks of rich color and the joy of finding the right value or hue, is the fun part and being able to leave the painting at any time is a great convenience. I also work with watercolors and more recently began the exciting venture into acrylics and oils. Learning to use these new mediums is challenging and rewarding.

I loved drawing as a child, taking every art class in school. As a young adult in the early 70's, I took private lessons in pastels and several years later I started using watercolors. Workshops, private lessons, painting with other artists, and lots of practice, has been my art education.

My studio opened in 2001 and I am grateful for the space it gives me to paint, sell my art, share art appreciation, discussion and art education.

I am currently on the board and one of the founding members of the Blank Canvas Gallery and Education center, downtown Park Rapids,MN. I am a longtime member and past president of Artists of Minnesota and our local art group The White Birch Artists.

Many of my paintings are in collections around the US and have won awards in regional and state art shows.